Last weekend of November, we at La Casita participated in an ecumenical walk and prayer vigil praying for the future of this country. We share some pictures and the prayer that La Casita was asked to present.

Ecumenical Prayer for the Future of this Country
Jesus tells us in his word ” Come, you who are blessed by my Father… Because I were emigrant and received me” (Mt 25:35)
We pray for this nation to promote a culture of encounter, respecting the dignity and freedom of each person, so that we can recognize Jesus in the immigrant and value the wealth of plurality. Help us to recognize the cultural values that all immigrants contribute to this country.
We request the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe that joined the Spanish and Azteca culture, so that we will live the unity of the cultures and religions in this country and the human promotion.
In the Catholic Church today we started the advent, time of hope. We ask Jesus Our Lord to come to this country to bring peace, hope and light in this time of fear, darkness and confusion: Come, Lord Jesus! Come, Lord Jesus! Come, Lord Jesus!
Sister Gabriela Ramirez, mgsps


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