10 de Septiembre 2023

Premio OHTLI

El cónsul general de México, Javier Díaz de León, presentó el Premio OHTLI al centro de servicios sociales “La Casita”, reconociendo el trabajo y servicio de las Hermanas Guadalupanas del Espíritu Santo. Ese mismo día estudiantes de las plazas comunitarias recibieron diplomas de graduación, y se celebró el aniversario de la independencia de México. 🇲🇽 El Padre Kevin Bazzel, Vicario General de nuestra Diócesis, y un representante del Alcalde de Hoover, AL, también se unieron a este gran día.

18 de Julio 2023

Beca IME

La Casita aceptando la beca que continuará apoyando los progras de La Casita Servicios Multiculturales Guadalupanos que ofrecen servicios a las necesidades de la Comunidad Hispana.

4 de Marzo 2023

Acopio de Comida

Acopio de comida no perecedera en la Parroquia de San Pedro, donador: "Human Concerns Committee" Lo distribuyen personas mayores de la parroquia. Es de mucho beneficio para personas que solicitan esta ayuda. Dando de comer al hambriento.

1 de Marzo, 2023

Presentación de La Casita

El día primero de este mes de marzo Jaqueline Diego y Taylor joiner hicieron una presentación a los alumnos de John Carroll High School Sobre los servicios que prestamos en “la casita”. La asistencia fue de 400 personas. Maestros y alumnos van creciendo en humanidad.

January 19, 2023

Clases de Ciudadanía

Despues de la pandemia, reanudamos las clases de ciudadania. El Señor Melchor Rivera continúa atendiendo este grupo de personas. Ayudamos a que las personas se sientan mas seguras en este país.

January 2023

Ayuda Pagando Facturas

El numero de casos de ayuda sigue aumentando. Las personas se quedan sin trabajo y las ayudas se siguen multiplicando. Continuamos tendiendo la mano para ayudar a pagar la luz, agua, gas, renta. Ayudamos a levantarse en sus necesidades y dignidad.

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10 de Diciember 2022

Posada Navideña en La Casita

El día 10 tuvimos la tradicional Posada Navideña. Hubo regalos, juegos dirigidos por el payasito y otros juegos para los niños, pedida de la posada. Con la participación del coro, hubo una representación del Nacimiento del niño Jesús, la Virgen María, San José y los ángeles rodeando el pesebre. Es una educación religiosa para niños y niñas que nacen en este país.

5-9 de Diciembre 2022

Taller AIDE – Applied Institute for Disaster Excellence Workshop

La Hermana Rosa Cruz participó en The Disaster Operations Team at Catholic Charities USA AIDE 2022 en Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center Hotel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Fueron talleres de preparación para prestar ayuda en casos de desastres naturales. Habilitarnos para poder servir.

13 de Noviembre 2022

Beca IME para Asesores

El 13 de noviembre recibimos del Consulado mexicano en Atlanta una beca para apoyar a los asesores de la plaza comunitaria “Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe” ubicada en Homewood, AL La Casita, con extensiones en: Albertville, Cullman y Tuscaloosa, AL. Seguimos apostando por la educación.

29 de Septiembre 2022

Nueva Extensión de la Plaza Comunitaria en Tuscaloosa, AL

El 29 de septiembre se realizó la apertura de la Plaza Comunitaria en la parroquia Holy Spirit en Tuscaloosa, AL. La nueva extensión recibió el nombre “Mis Raíces”. Dignificar y promover a las personas.

Febrero 2022

Beca de la compañía de luz "Alabama Power"

En el mes de febrero recibimos el apoyo de la Compañía de luz: “Alabama Power” con una beca de $10,000.00 dlls., para apoyar a las personas: residentes y ciudadanos con mayor necesidad. Todos unidos nos apoyamos unos a otros.

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Julio 2021

Beca del Consulado Mexicano en Atlanta, GA

Esta beca de $4,000.00 dlls., de parte del Consulado Mexicano en Atlanta, GA es un apoyo a los alumnos y asesores de las plazas comunitarias en Birmingham, Albertville y Cullman, AL. El esfuerzo realizado con los adultos que necesitan completar sus estudios básicos se ve secundado por el programa de IME becas de México.

12 de Junio 2021

“Venta de Garage” Gratis en La Casita

Sharing with people in need: clothing and shoes for children, women and men. Strengthen solidarity with people in need and involve volunteers who serve generously.

Febrero 2021

Tornado en el Area de Fultondale, AL

Participación solidaria, visiteo y uniendo esfuerzos con otras agencias y alcaldías de Fultondale y Pinson. En comunión, la solidaridad se refuerza.

Enero 2021

Beca de Caridades Católicas

La organización de Caridades Católicas aportó generosamente una beca de $10,000.00 dlls., para ayudar en el pago de la renta. La pandemia ha causado pérdida de trabajos en las familias. La cercanía y solidaridad han sido posibles. Tender la mano y ser puente proporcionando los recursos recibidos.

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Trabajo en Red con Diferentes Agencias

Banco de comida, centros de acopio de despensas, pañales, redes de comunicación en línea. Distribuyendo comida en el centro y en colonias donde hay mayor número de personas necesitadas. Parroquia de San José, Albertville, Alexander. Trabajo en comunión con voluntarios. Valoramos la entrega al servicio del amor.


10,000.00 and 3,000.00 dls. Grants from Catholic Charities

Catholic Charity Services help to support people affected by Covid-19 and the lack of work. Making the commandment of love a reality.



Showing solidarity with people in need. Joining forces and resources with different agencies. An experience of solidarity and mutual care, following the protocols indicated by the government authorities.

August 2020

Mary’s House

Participating with Catholic Workers making ourselves responsible for the care of Mary’s House and the people who will be seeking shelter. The Missionary Guadalupanas of the Holy Spirit sisters took turns per week. Be welcoming and embody the commandment of love.

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April 2019

Spring Fair

Cultural exchange and fundraising. To value and appreciate the richness of complementing each other – Staff and volunteers who gladly give their time.

2018 – 2019

Statistics of our Services

January 2018 to May 2019
Services Provided $12,909.00 total
Meetings, Volunteers $2,320.00 total
Total from Services $15,230.00

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August 18, 2018

Opening of La Plaza Comunitaria in Albertville, AL

We have the support of Fr. Raúl Bedolla; and a good number of advisors and a group of students willing to excel. Education develops growth in people.


Pastoral Support to Parishes

Catechists Course in St. Joseph’s Parish

March 23 to 25, 2018
Lenten Retreat in Corinth, MS

April 2018
Retreat of Leaders in St. Theresa, Leeds, MS

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May 4, 2017

Pax Christi Group

The group “Pax Christi” begins its meetings in the facilities of “La Casita”. Building bridges with the American community, promoting peace and justice.


Various Activities

A Baby Shower celebration for volunteers during our craft program. Encouragement and gratitude for their dedication of “La Casita” programs.

– Visits to the parishes of the Hispanic community
– Promoting Services and Programs developed by “La Casita”
– Looking for for students and volunteers for the “Plaza Comunitaria”

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December 2016

Services of Consulates of Mexico and Guatemala in “La Casita“ and in Cullman, AL.

Sharing our facilities with Consulates. People get their legal identity documents so they feel safe, dignified, considered and taken into account.


Spanish Classes for Americans

From July 2016 to the 2017 school year
It continues throughout the school year. Cultural Exchange.


Social Pastoral Team – Summer of 2016

New boost to the Social Pastoral Team at Sacred Heart Parish, Cullman, AL. Animation and Support to the Team.


Reception and recognition of Hispanics who have prepared themselves in “La Casita“ to become American Citizens.

For this event we had the presence of the Most Rev. Robert J. Baker, Bishop of this Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama. They were summoned by their teacher: Melchor Rivera. Celebrating with students their achievements, successes, instilling in them a sense of belonging and pride.


La Casita taking part of Rallies Supporting Immigrant Rights

Be present and support migrants in their cause of dignity and defense of their human rights.

September 2015 to April 2016

Catechumenate Classes

These catechumenate classes were held at the Catholic Parish of Prince of Peace. The three sisters who work at “La Casita” got involved. Supporting the parish by preparing the Hispanic community to receive the Sacraments of Initiation and helping them grow in their faith: Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, and Matrimony.

March 2016

Global Sisters Report

Publication on networks of a video that promotes the services provided to Hispanic migrants. Assessment of the services that “La Casita” provides to migrants.

July 2016

Intensive Spanish Course

Intensive Spanish course for people who want to learn this language. The course is given by brothers belonging to the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit: Jorge Haro and Jesús Romo. We share our culture.

May 17 to 20, 2016

Planning Workshop

Pastoral Teams from Eutaw and Hoover, MMGSpS. Advisor: Rosa Inés Floriano Carrera. Outlining our mission within the framework of the pastoral plan.

May 2016

Closing the School Year in “La Plaza Comunitaria“ and getting ready for the Next One

Students and advisors of La Plaza Comunitaria prepare to continue the School Year for the period 2016-2017.

April 14, 2016

Celebration of Volunteers and Citizenship

On April 14, we gathered the volunteers from “La Casita” and those who became American citizens and prepared themselves in “La Casita”. Mr. Melchor Rivera is the instructor of the citizenship classes. We had a Eucharistic celebration and, afterward, lunch and a small gathering.

March 2016-2017

Consueling and Advisory from Rosa Inés Floriano, MGSpSA

Review and update of the Social Pastoral Plan. We continue strengthening the work of the Pastoral Team.

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December 2015

First Graduations from “La Plaza Comunitaria”

4 students graduated with elementary education and 1 student with high school education. Volunteer Hispanic advisors, family, and students celebrate self-improvement and their increase in their self-esteem.

December 2015

Annual Christmas Posada

Religious and cultural event. Educating the new generations and teaching our cultural roots.


Enlightenment Meetings

The six sisters from the centers attended the sessions of the social pastoral team, the centers are: Eutaw and Homewood, Alabama. Monthly meetings for: workshops, consultancies. Review and update of the pastoral plan.

October 2015

Annual Tamale Sale

Event that maintains a cultural exchange and fundraising. The people who have received help collaborate in the elaboration.

August 2015

Personnel Readjustment

Sister Martha Elena Pérez joins “La Casita” and coordinates “La Plaza Comunitaria”. Sister Juventina García coordinates the administration of “La Casita”. Sister Felicitas Almanza goes to the community of Eutaw, AL.

The staff is organized into two teams:
Eutaw, AL: Sisters Felicitas Almanza, Rosa María Reyes and Alicia López
Homewood, AL: Sisters Gabriela Ramírez, Martha Elena Perez and Juventina García

August 2015

Back to School (Annual Event)

“La Casita” gives away school supplies for children on their return to school. Supporting low-income families.

Summer 2015

Lumen Christi Award

Nominated by the Catholic Extension Society for the “Lumen Christi Award” for the work carried out by the Guadalupan Missionaries of the Holy Spirit in the Diocese of Birmingham, AL. We were one of the 10 finalists and received the amount of $10,000.00 to continue our mission. Increase in Share Capital.

April 2015

Sister Juventina Garcia, MGSpS arrives to “La Casita”

Sister Juventina García arrives to “La Casita” to coordinate “La Plaza Comunitaria” The Opening of “La Plaza Comunitaria: Our Lady of Guadalupe begins. Providing basic academic education: literacy, elementary and high school education.

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July 2014

Leadership Courses

Sisters Felicitas Almanza and Gabriela Ramírez teach leadership courses in Russellville and Boaz, AL. Opportunities to educate people about their leadership potential and sense of dignity.

May 2014

Change of Sister Responsible for the Women’s Group

Sister Rosa María Reyes returns to Mexico to care for her sick sister. Mrs. Mary is in charge of the women’s group. Delegating by giving continuity to the process with the remaining staff.

March 2014

Bishop Manz Visit

The bishops’ conference pays special attention and listens to the immigrants in Tuscaloosa., Boaz, Albertville, Steel and Russellville. God hears the cry of the poor.

January 2014

Process of creating the “La Plaza Comunitaria“ Program

The development and documentation begins by requesting the Mexican consulate in Atlanta, GA., to establish “La Plaza Comunitaria” in “La Casita”. Frequent trips to Atlanta, GA. A way of educating, avoiding handouts, and promoting the dignity of the person.

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December 2013

Visit to the Mayan Community

Sharing life and faith with these modest, kind and welcoming people. The Mayan Community teach us community, commitment and respect for each other’s leadership.

December 2013

Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Mrs. María Elena Cabrera “Doña Mary” and other birthdays. Opportunity to get together and integration, sharing life, faith and food.

July 20, 2013

Meeting Staff

Our team of “La Casita” is made up of of three sisters working together with two lay people. Diversity helps us for integration and communication. We agree to organize activities. Taking responsibility and reviewing our progress.

July 2013

Martin Valverde Concert

Opportunity to make known and advertise “La Casita”, sell crafts and receive the collection of the mass. Relationship with the people of the Diocese of Birmingham summoned there.

July 2013

Blessing of the Community Garden “Our Lady of Guadalupe“

Father Ackerman blessed the community garden, and several volunteers joined us. There was a party afterwards with plenty of food. Opportunity to be in contact with God through nature and healthy food.

July 2013

Celebrating “La Casita” Volunteers

A ceremony at “La Casita” to thank and honor all of our volunteers. Gratitude for their services and inconditional support.

May 2013

Mother’s Day

We celebrate with joy and gratitude the moms who volunteer at “La Casita”. A creative way to thank our volunteers.

January 2013

Creation of the Immigration Program

Our Immigration Program was officially accredited by the Immigration Appeals Committee. Since April 2012, the required documentation and training for Leslie González to coordinate this service has been prepared. A new way of promoting the dignity of the person and prevent dependency.

January 30, 2013

Advisory Board Creation

This council meets every three months and is made up of 23 members from different areas of the Diocese of Birmingham and different cultures and professions. Support, guidance, wisdom, advancement, credibility, and trust are given.

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December 2012

Christmas Posada at Príncipe de Paz Parish (Annual Activity)

The Claypoole couple: represented Mary and Joseph welcoming immigrants. This gesture was one of welcoming and integration and to give joy to the children with toys and more.

November 2012

First Food Festival at Prince of Peace Parish

Teamwork is developed with volunteers. Opportunity to let know the richness of our Latino culture.

October 16, 2012

Creation of the Women’s Group

The Women’s Group is established, and meets every Friday. This occupational therapy group was founded by Sister Gabriela Ramrez, women attending this group learn to create handmade items. Group of women supporting and listening to one another and exchanging ideas and creativity.

August, 2012

“La Casita” Staff

Staff of “La Casita” formed by Sister Gabriela Ramírez and two full-time lay women: Leslie González and Mrs. María Elena Cabrera. Sister Felicitas Almanza joins the team and for the first time two Missionary Guadalupanas of the Holy Spirit sisters are part of the team. More support and a common vision.

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January to December 2011

For the first time, as a Province of the Missionary Guadalupanas of the Holy Spirit,we assumed a full-time position in Social Ministry at the Diocesan Level. Creation of Social Ministry Committees at the parish level: Prince of Peace in Hoover, Alabama Sacred Heart in Cullman, Alabama. Training of leaders, delegating responsibilities, decentralizing services. Fostering collaboration between Americans and Hispanics.

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August 2010

Sister Gabriela Ramírez, MGSpS arrives to the Birmingham Diocese

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