Meetings that help us give lights to our Social and Pastoral Ministry Team. This team is formed by six sisters of the centers of: Eutaw and Homewood, AL.
Monthly meetings for: workshops and counselings.
We review and update of our Work Plan.
Meetings that help us give lights to our Social and Pastoral Ministry Team. This team is formed by six sisters of the centers of: Eutaw and Homewood, AL.
Monthly meetings for: workshops and counselings.
We review and update of our Work Plan.
The team has three sisters and two lay people, this diversity helps us with integration and communication. We…
Welcome and recognition to Latinos who prepared in “La Casita” to become US citizens. We had the presence…
– Visit parishes that have Hispanic communities – Promote services and programs that “La Casita” offers. – Look…
Tamale Sale (Annual Activity). It is an event that maintains a cultural exchange and at the same time…
The Immigration Program was created and officially accredited by the Immigration Appeals Committee. Since April 2012, the required…
Some readjustments of personnel. Sister Martha Elena Pérez joins the staff of La Casita and coordinates “La Plaza…