Sister Juventina Garcia arrives and coordinates “La Plaza Comunitaria”
Opening of “La Plaza Comunitaria: Our Lady of Guadalupe” whose mission is to provide basic academic education: Literacy, Primary and Secondary School Certification.
Sister Juventina Garcia arrives and coordinates “La Plaza Comunitaria”
Opening of “La Plaza Comunitaria: Our Lady of Guadalupe” whose mission is to provide basic academic education: Literacy, Primary and Secondary School Certification.
Concert of a very known Catholic singer: Martin Valverde. This was an opportunity to make known ” La…
The team has three sisters and two lay people, this diversity helps us with integration and communication. We…
Meetings that help us give lights to our Social and Pastoral Ministry Team. This team is formed by…
Creation of the Group of Women on Fridays who attend weekly. Sister Gabriela Ramirez, MGSpS, starts this group…
We celebrated Mrs. María Elena Cabrera “Doña Mary ” and other birthdays. These celebrations help us to coexist…
Sister Rosa María Reyes, MGSpS, joins the team. Her contribution gives creativity and life, especially to the group…